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2025 MNSHRM Day at the Capitol

  • 30 Jan 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • MN State Capitol Building, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd, Room B15, St. Paul Minnesota
  • 0


  • MNSHRM Day at the Capitol

Registration is closed



January 30, 2025

Join us for the MN SHRM 2025 Day at the Capitol. 

Date:    January 30, 2025

Location:  Capitol, Room B15 (“L'Etoile du Nord Vault Room”)

Schedule:  ***Remember, the main purpose of this day is for you to schedule individual meetings with your Senators and Representatives to discuss what you like and don’t like about the statutes and rules governing employment in Minnesota.  The programming will be secondary to that.*** 

MNSHRM's room will be open at 8:30AM and programming will begin at 9:00 and run until about 3:00.  Lunch will be served.  Speakers will include the Department of Labor and Industry, a private attorney, and several elected officials.  All will be discussing the current state and future of employment law in Minnesota. 

Advocacy:  We will prepare you for your meetings with talking papers regarding whatever bills are being considered that would affect employment in Minnesota.  No one is required to advocate for a position they don’t agree with.  Members are free to attend our event and tell their legislators whatever is on their mind.  I will be pushing out a talking paper on this subject in the weeks before the event, because the session hasn’t started yet, we don’t know what opportunities or threats are out there yet

SHRM/HRCI Credits:  Are being applied for; these were granted last year so we expect them to be approved.  Our goal for this year is to have certificates to hand out day of the event. 

Parking:  Parking at the Capital takes a little planning but it’s not as bad as it used to be.  Resources can be found here:

Register at:  Registration is $50.00 to help cover the cost of lunches.

Additional Event Information:

***What you need to do ahead of time***

Schedule your meetings with your Representative and Senator; do this ASAP.

Because we are planning for a large event, we need each attendee to set up these meetings themselves.

Go to On that page, you will find “Who Represents Me?” for both the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Input your address and the cite will list your MN House and MN Senate representatives. (It will give you your Federal Representative and Senators too, don’t worry about those.)

Click the “Contact” button.

Find their email address and send them an email.

Below is a draft:

“Dear Representative/Senator ______;

On Thursday January 30, 2025 I will be visiting the Capital for MN SHRM’s Day at the Capital. I would like to meet with you in person to discuss legislation and laws affecting employers in Minnesota. Please let me know when you would be available. Thank you.”

Follow up your email with a phone call 48 hours later.

Brainstorm on legal and legislative issues that affect you or that you’d like to see implemented. If you have ideas, send them to MN SHRM’s Legislative Director Cory Genelin at so they can be incorporated into our priorities for the day.

Recruit others to attend! There is power in numbers and we want to get as many people to join us as possible.

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