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2020 State Conference Update

Thank you for your interest in speaking at our 2020 State Conference. After careful consideration and planning we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s MNSHRM State Conference.  We feel it is in our members’ interest to focus on helping to recover and recharge from this stressful time. 

Our mission is to serve the HR community and specifically our chapters within the state of Minnesota and in these unprecedented times, we are looking at unique options to create win-win situations. To that end, we have decided to create a speaker portal on a private portion of our website that will contain links to presentations on topics that are relevant to Human Resources professionals within Minnesota and would like you to consider being a part of the portal. Access to the portal will be limited to our chapter presidents for use in their chapter meetings.

Similar to presenting live at the State Conference, this is an opportunity for you to get your name and brand out in front of your target audience with content that is important and relevant to their members.

    Education Content
    The selection committee is looking for educational sessions targeted to Human Resource professionals who counsel their clients on philanthropy. Content should contain interactive, engaging, and dynamic instruction that will help in the education and execution of all practices within the Human Resources arena. Preferential selection will be given to the following:

    • Content is substantiated to have already been approved for SHRM and/or HRCI continuing education credit or content that will meet the criteria for approval from those institutions.
    • A program that has specific, skill building, experiential content that can be implemented quickly and easily into each professionals existing practice work.
    • Material can range from introductory to expert level so long as the learning objectives are realistic when considering the level of complexity and scope of the course.

    Learning Tracks
    We are looking for content that fits into one of the SHRM Body of Competency Knowledge categories:

        • Leadership (Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice)
        • Interpersonal (Relationship Management, Communication, Global & Cultural Effectiveness)
        • Business (Business Acumen, Consultation, Critical Evaluation)

    Selection Process
    All proposals received will be reviewed by the selection committee on an ongoing basis. Selection will be determined by appropriateness/interest of topic, level of content, comprehensiveness of learning objectives and expertise of speaker. MNSHRM reserves the right to make recommendations for revisions of content within proposals prior to acceptance.  

    MNSHRM has a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation in the field of human resource management. We look for contributors who are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment for speaking or travel expenses in the spirit of networking, a purpose for which the organization was founded. All presenters are granted a complimentary conference registration.   

    In order to make sure MNSHRM has time to put presentations through the continuing education approval process, selected presenters are required to submit the following information:

    • Either a copy of or a link to your 30-60 minute presentation
    • Relevant handouts for your presentation if applicable
    • Bio, headshot and contact information to be added to our website
    • Link to books, materials, etc. that you have for sale
    • HRCI/SHRM credit details if your presentation has been approved

    Permission to Record, Reproduce and Distribute
    By accepting the speaking engagement, presenters grant MNSHRM a royalty-free license to record, reproduce and distribute their presentation (including all handouts and PowerPoint presentations) in any way in the future, with appropriate attribution. This license does not change the fact that the presenter retains copyright ownership of the presentation, and does not prohibit them from using their presentation in any way or from allowing others to use it.

    MNSHRM’s Non Commercial Policy
    MNSHRM State Conference attendees are seeking valuable educational sessions and are critical of presenters or sessions that are self-promotional. Conference sessions should only advance the educational process and may not be used for commercial sales pitches, self-promotion or unwarranted criticism of a competitor. Any advance materials submitted that are thought to be in violation of this policy will be returned to the speaker for the appropriate edits.

    Please contact our office if you have any questions.

    Accreditations and Awards


    We want to hear from you!

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