Featuring the following
Ellie Krug, “Gray Area Thinking”
Have you walked away from unconscious bias trainings think-ing, “Thanks but what can I really do about bias?” If so, Gray Area Thinking™ offers a new way of addressing the ways that humans label, sort and group other humans and otherwise engage in tribalism—the preference for others who look or act like us. Most importantly, Gray Area Thinking™ teaches a toolset (awareness, risk-taking, compassion) that’s easy to grasp and easy to use.
In 2009, while an Iowa civil trial attorney with 100+ trials, Ellen (Ellie) Krug (pronounced “Kroog”), transitioned from male to female. She later became one of the few attorneys nationally to try jury cases in separate genders. From 2011 to 2016, she served as the executive director of Call for Justice, LLC, a Minneapolis legal nonprofit that was conferred an American Bar Association award for innovatively increasing legal access. http://humaninspirationworks.com/
Kate Bishoff, “#MeToo Two Years Later”
Harassment has dominated the news and social media for the last year, fanning fears that all the money we have invested in harassment training has been for naught. So what should we do? This session covers the various movements and the poten-tial for backlash.
Kate Bischoff is an overly enthusiastic, sarcastic, and opinion-ated management-side employment attorney and SHRM-SCP-certified HR pro. She works closely with management, HR folk, and technology companies to improve organizations and make it easier to recruit and retain talent through having easy-to-understand policies, easy-to-use technology, and easy-to-explain compliance initiatives. Kate has been recognized by The New York Times, CNN.com, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, National Public Radio, and other journalistic sources as a leading authority on harassment, technology in the work-place, and employment law. https://thrivelawconsulting.com/
Justin Terch, “Generations in the Workplace”
This presentation will explore the different generational cohorts in the modern workforce and how each cohort contributes to the overall value of an organization. By identifying the key areas of strengths and the professional values that each cohort uniquely brings to an organization, attendees will be better prepared to maximize the effectiveness of professionals from differ-ent age groups, grow in appreciation for diversity, and learn to manage potential conflict.
Justin L. Terch, SPHR, MA, MBA is a human resources consultant and Managing Partner at Terch & Associates in Duluth Minne-sota. His work includes general human resources compliance, internal investigations, labor and employee relations, and conflict resolution. He is Senior Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin - Superior teaching Human Resources and Mediation courses since 2011. Justin earned his undergraduate degree in legal studies and has graduate degrees in business and management.
For additional event and registration information, please visit the AHRA website.